Posted by: tgonzales | June 8, 2011

June 3-5, 2011 Weekend Part 2

Thank you for all the sweet comments about Megan’s play date at my house. I hope everyone noticed how she used the wire magazine rack for her baby dolls cradle, the fan for her hat stand, and the cherry in her mouth when she was helping with the pineapple-upside-down cake preparation? The reason I’m breaking the last two posts down into 2, is because I wanted to share the 2 days separately. So this post is going to tell a story through the pictures of some of the people who attended my Mom’s 80th Birthday party. At least the ones that I could either tie down, catch them off guard or those rare people who like to pose for a camerawoman. So here we go:

Of course we were some of the posers.

Bev & Steph are posers too.

My nephew Jared and sister-in-law Linda are just hamming it up.

Not sure whether I was holding down my best friend Debbie of 40 plus years or if we just love to hug each other? I think we both just love to hug:) Ha! Ha!

My nephew Matt and niece Kim are posers on command.

Cousin Brenda was easily convinced to pose with me.

My Uncle Wayne looks like he’s holding his sisters; Mom and Aunt Marthie down.

My cousin Brynda and Aunt Marthie posing with my Mom.

Nieces Angie and Emilee are perfect posers.

My Dad and his brother Oris are posers too.

My Dad and his best friend of over 70 years, Bob Lickey were good posers also. I love to see my Dad’s eyes light up when Bob walks into the room. It’s magic!

My Mom and her good friend Wilford Phares, he was one of her childhood friends and they went to a one room schoolhouse close to where she grew up. I had decided that I would take Joshua’s Karaoke machine to the birthday party and let people talk on the microphone if they wanted to. There were only four people who were able to come forward to talk about my Mom and Wilford was one of them. He talked about how he would ride his bike to school and after school he would give my Mom and her older sister Ruby Lee a ride on his bike; with him pedaling, Ruby Lee on the seat, and my Mom on the handle bars. One time he was pedaling them when he had to slam on his brakes because of a car coming too close to them. When he did my Mom flew off of the handle bars and landed in the dirt and she cried and he told her not to cry because falling was better than getting run over by a car. My Mom decided it was better to fall off of the bike than to get run over by a car, but she still couldn’t help but cry because it hurt. In ending his story he said that he always did like Ruth and he thought she was quite the “looker”, and not to tell his wife Nina as he smiled. I loved the story that he told, and the stories that my Uncle Wayne, Aunt Barbara, and Becky shared with us about their feelings towards my Mom. I always knew she was special to me, but I finally realized how many lives she has touched throughout her years by the stories that I heard last Saturday.

Baby Lily is a natural.

Aunt Barbara and Uncle Oris (caught off guard).

I love this picture of Baby Truman and my brother Terry. Whenever a baby comes into the room he seems to be the first one on the scene.:)

Even my ex-husband was willing to pose with my Dad.

I love this three generation picture.

My Dear Hubby and my Dad are always eager to pose for me.

Jennifer and Keegan were happy to pose so that I could save this moment for Joshua.

It looks like I had to hold my cousin Jeanine down, but I really do love her so much; she is so beautiful inside and out.

Mary, my Mom’s neighbor was wearing the shirt that my Mom made for her a couple of months ago and she was a good poser too. Even though I was exhausted the next day; it was such a good feeling of finally allowing my Mom to have the spotlight. My Mom has always given of herself, not thinking about herself so much. She got married just before her 18th birthday, had her first child before she turned 19 and then had 4 more children. She was always looking out for all of us and then as we got older and had our own families she had her grandchildren to look after. Then when my Dad became ill she has been taking care of him with not much time for herself. She sure did shine on Saturday and I’m so glad that we could give her the party that she so-o-o deserved. I love you Mom and you deserve to have so many more days just like Saturday. Oh by the way you can find more pictures over on my sister Jackie’s Blog.


  1. This was a wonderful party, Tamara! Your Mom and Dad were just beaming. The food was amazing and I loved the recipe cards that were left on the tables. You and your family should be so pleased with each other for hosting such a wonderful day for your Mom. The slideshow presentation was perfect and so much fun to watch – I sat through 2 showings, it was soo cute.

    • Hi Steph,

      I was so pleased to see both you and Bev at the party on Saturday. I know she appreciated you coming to celebrate with her. I wish I could’ve seen the slideshow again too. I was very pleased with how everything turned out. Thanks again for coming.

      Love and Hugs,

  2. So many wonderful family pics. And I have to say: Oh what great wisdom from Wilford (many, many years ago – LOL). Did you ever learn to ride a bike by sitting on the seat instead of the handlebars? ;-D

    Yes, your mom still IS quite a looker. 🙂

    • Oh Kat,

      It was so sweet of you to stop by and comment. I just got such a kick out of his story, because my brothers used to do the exact same thing by riding my sister and I either on the seat or the handle bars. I even remember not being able to reach the seat and I would pedal between the cross bars of a mans bike when I was too short to reach. I remember many scratched up knees from falling in the sand because we lived in the country and there were no paved streets or sidewalks to ride on.:)

      It was hilarious when he said she was quite the “looker”. He was very cute. But I think she’s quite the looker too.

      Love you,

  3. Tamara ~ [Of course I meant “did YOUR MOM ever learn to ride by sitting on the SEAT”. LOL] Oh how I loved riding on the handlebars also. Wheeee…..

    I obtained my scratched-up, sore knees & legs by roller-skating. Well, not actually by skating — but by falling down ….. a LOT. There’s this cutest 16mm movie of me doing just that. My Mom always commented how, no matter how many times I fell, I’d always get right back up and skate some more. Loved those skate keys. haha!!

    • Kat,

      I do believe my Mom did finally learn to ride a bike, after she had all of us we only had one bike between all 5 of us kids. But we never felt like we didn’t have anything, because we had each other:)

      I would love to see the movie of you skating and falling and getting back up. I bet it’s very cute. Thanks for sharing that with me, it made me smile:)


  4. awwwwwwwwwwwww gee whiz. this was so sweet. makes meh miss home terribly. i love you so much.

    • Joshua,

      We all love you and miss you sooooo much too. The End!


  5. Tamara, I do hope that when we reach 80 that someone will throw such a marvelous party for us! You and Jackie did such a fantastic job! I know that your Mom was honored and proud of you guys all at the same time. You rock my friend!

    • Me too my friend, me too! Love, Tamara

  6. What an incredibly wonderful and touching tribute to a beautiful lady! And such a blessing to be able to enjoy so much family time. Thanks for sharing it with us, too!


    • Thanks Mindy. We think she’s pretty incredible too and I try and count my blessings everyday that I still have her in my life. Thank you for stopping by.


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