Posted by: tgonzales | February 15, 2013

February Crochet 101 Class, Ricci’s New Hat, Irene’s Grandson’s KU Hat, and Valentine’s Day Gifts


Here’s a picture of me with five of my students from the February Crochet 101 class, the sixth student will be taking the second session in March. Everyone picked it up very easily and I’m proud to say that I think I hooked five more people and I’ll find out in March whether the sixth one is hooked too. I sure do wish I would have thought about taking a picture of each class I’ve taught. It would just be neat to look back on all of them. When Shelly (owner of Twist) first asked me to teach crochet at the shop, I didn’t know if I could actually teach. Here I am four or five years later and I have loved teaching people to crochet. It wears me out and it drains my energy sometimes but I feel very blessed to be able to share my love of crochet with so many people. I love it when I see one of my students in the yarn shop and they tell me what they are crocheting or I receive an email from one of them and they send me photos of what they have made. All of that makes my heart happy.


I told you I would share a photo of my Sister-in-Law Ricci when I gave her the Crocheted Crusher Hat so here it is. Ricci LO-O-V-V-E-E-D-D it and it looked wonderful on her.


John’s cousin Irene asked me if I would make her soon to be born Grandson, Korbin a newborn hat in KU colors. So I jumped right on that and decided to add a large pom pom and I love the way it looks even on such a little hat. I hope Irene’s daughter loves it as much as her and I do, and as much I loved making it.


Remember when I said that John and I don’t usually do anything for Valentine’s Day? Well, when I got up Thursday morning I found these roses and a beautiful Valentine’s Day card on my dining room table. He made the card himself and added just the right words inside. John’s really a very romantic guy and that’s one of the reasons I love him so much. 🙂


On the other hand I’m not as romantic and here is what he found in the refrigerator when he got home the night before Valentine’s Day. It is one of his most favorite sauces from Cholita’s Mexican Restaurant, they call it “Kitchen Sauce”. He loved it and he didn’t even care that my Valentine’s Day card was written on a torn up sack that the sauce came in. 😉  Well, here it is the weekend again and I’m looking forward to it, how about you?


  1. classy, Tamara, very classy!!! 🙂 (It’s the thought that counts, right!?)

    • Yes, I do believe that it is the thought that counts. ALWAYS! 😉 Thanks for making me smile this morning. Love and Hugs, Tamara

  2. Tammy, love the crusher hat on Ricci she does look very cute in it. and the baby hat is adorable with the pom pom on top. Love the roses and the home made gift card that John got you- he is so sweet. I would love to try the sauce. I will try to explain to you what Jerald got me. I was so angry. He had a Drs appointment Tuesday and I went along for moral support because I knew he was going to schedule a colonoscopy. I thought moral support was needed (I thought kindness was needed-WRONG). The Dr. said it wasn’t necccesary for another year. Then Jerald told the Dr. that I haven’t had one for 6 years and the Dr. looked at me and asked about family history and he strongely suggested that I go in and have a colonoscopy. I think I must have been framed. The last two colonoscopys that I have had I ended up in the emergency room because I had an allergic reaction to the prep. Happy valentines to me. Jerald ended up sleeping by himself that night. I have finally cooled off a bit and I know I will forgive him- someday. This little gift makes the previous bad valentine gift look good. (that was side by side cemetary plots) Have a great day Tammy and I love you

    • Wow Sue, I never realized that Jerald was so romantic. 🙂 Hey at least he wants to be next to you forever! Love you too cuz! Tamara

  3. We (I should say I) had a fun Valentine evening. I had told Ray not more flowers until someone dumps the dead ones that are still setting there today. He wanted to take me out to eat. I said ok as long as I didn’t have to dress up. I’ve been hungry for Subway so we went to WalMart and shared a foot long veggie.

    While there I got some 4 new tops. One must be returned. Ray also got a few groceries. Then home to a bit of TV, reading and some crochet time, for me. We are such romantics.

    • Hi Linda!

      It sounds like you had a nice Valentine’s evening. Nice and relaxing and got some crochet in too. See you Monday.


  4. Hi Tamara ~ Looks like a very fun crochet group. So glad you are sharing your love of crochet and hooking other gals.
    I noticed Ricci has her Crusher Hat rolled down a little more than you had it in your original photo. Those hats are unique, IMO. Purrhaps they are popular nowadays, tho, and I am just not aware. Ha!
    I had thought of putting one of your BIG pompoms atop a hat. [Love KU’s colors!] Are you saying that is a BIG one of the newborn hat? It does not look too big for it at all.

    John is such a kewl dude. I can almost smell those lovely roses. He made you such a purrty card too. .. As for your gift to him, I was sure glad to read the ‘Kitchen Sauce’ was not some kind of a coffee drink ‘cuz it sure looked gross to be that. BwaaaHaaaa!!

    Nothing exchanged between Frank & me. However, I did get the cutest card from my Miss Emma. [My sister sent it from NY.] Half of the front of the card is a wonderful red. There’s a kitten on the top half – with glittery hearts strung on a window behind her .. and she is playing with the most vibrant red, plush-looking yarn! It reads: “I’ve got nine lives…” and the inside reads: “…and I want to spend them all with you! Happy Valentine’s Day”
    My sister signed it ‘Love, Emma’ – drawing a pawprint for the ‘o’ in ‘Love’. And Emma also printed: “Mom & Dad, Thank you for adopting me. I’m so lucky. I love living with you and I LOVE You!” Too cute, right? I told my sis that Emma must be growing up ‘cuz she called us “Mom & Dad” rather than “Mommy & Daddy”. LOL! I actually had tears in my eyes by the time I was done reading it. I scooped up Emma — all 10 lbs. 12 oz. of her — and kissed her over & over. Such FUN this was! 😀

    Have a FUNtastic weekend!!
    Love & Smiles ~

    • Hi Kat!

      Wow it sounds like your sister really knows how to make you happy and makes smile and cry at the same time. Thank you so much for sharing your Valentine’s Day with me. I loved hearing all about the gift from your sister. It made me smile!

      Love you my Friend,

  5. Really enjoyed this post, Ricci’s hat looks fab on her. In fact I’d like 1 for myself (pattern?). I finished my little girl’s poncho earlier this week, next day it turned very chilly. So she got to wear it to school, all the kids and teachers loved it, even got some requests for the pattern.
    Yep, I am SO glad it’s weekend time, Yeaaaah!

    • Hi Lindy!

      You can find the pattern for the Crocheted Crusher Hat on the internet. It’s published by Fiber Trends. Just google the name of the hat and it should pull it up. I think I had to pay around $6 for the pattern. I really love the way the hats turn out. I would love to see your little girl’s poncho. Thanks so much for stopping by to comment.


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